Update event
If there are discount codes associated for this event, the new event price must be greater than any of the discount codes values.
1 | PUT /host/events/{number}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | { "name": "Event Name", "date": "2014-10-21 08:34", "signupCaptcha": true, "location": { "name": "Oslo Spektrum", "address": "Sonja Henies plass 2", "zip": "0185", "city": "OSLO", "country": "NORGE" }, "description": "my description", "confirmation": false, "price": 12.23, "productNumber": "prod22", "contactPerson": { "name": "Mr Contact", "email": "jd@event.com", "phone": "13131313" }, "participantLimit": 777, "smsConfirmation": { "enabled": true, "message": "my message" }, "registrationDeadline": "2014-10-21 08:34", "taxRate": 25, "showSignupStats": true, "discountCodes": { "label": "Påmeldingskode" } } |
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